The Revival of the Family, pt.1

Paul writes: In spite of all the confusion and the frustration around the Covid-19 pandemic and its lockdowns, I believe God has redemptively extended an opportunity for Revival to the most important and foundational part of creation and society — the family.

With the spotlight moving away from the church in the building or the church gathered publicly because of the lockdowns, God has moved the spotlight onto the church that gathers in the family home. The lockdowns of the pandemic have given Christians the opportunity to seek the God of Revival for the restoration, refreshing, and even resurrection of their families, and I hope that’s what we have done.

I sense the Holy Spirit saying that He wants to restore integrity in His Church. By that, I think it means that the Holy Spirit is bringing us to a place where the church in the home is consistent with the church in the building, and the church in the building is aligned and consistent with the church in the home. The Covid-19 lockdowns have been redemptively pivotal to this purpose, and the Holy Spirit is calling many Christian families to take off superficial religious garments so that we can truly be vulnerable to the Father, and that the Father might do a deep work in and through us. And I think this window of opportunity is still upon us. I believe the great battlefield for Revival is not being fought in the chambers of government or the boardrooms of big business, but it’s in the home where the family gather.

So, what must we do? We must pray first.

Husband and wife need to pray together again. Both together need to call on the Lord for the Holy Spirit to fill their family to overflowing. If you have children, don’t just pray in secret but pray in front of your children and with your children. And do this often! Set the pace of your children’s spiritual growth with the strength and depth of your own relationship with God. I strongly encourage parents not to delegate this crucial role to anyone other than yourself, no matter how wonderful the youth ministry leaders and children’s ministry leaders are in your church. You are the most influential spiritual leader in your children’s life.

Let your children see you calling on the name of the Lord and crying out to Him. Let them see tears flowing from your eyes and let them hear the desperation in your voice. It’s good for children to hear the affection and the joy of your words when you praise God and worship Him. These are priceless discipleship lessons that your children will cherish forever. Disciple your children through your worship and prayer life.

Are you single? Pray! If you fail to develop and cultivate a thriving prayer life in your single years, chances are that you won’t develop it in your married life. The valuing of prayer and worship begins with you alone, then you bring that to the table when you get married.

Jessica and I are praying for the Revival of your family!


The Crucial Role of Fathers in Foster Care


How we started fostering, pt.1/3