let’s make room for more.

We dream of a nationwide movement of Christian families embracing vulnerable children in crisis with the same Spirit of Adoption that the Father adopted us with. We’re passionate about what this means for the Kingdom of Heaven on earth.

“The Father makes the lonely part of a family.” Psalm 68:6

In Victoria, there are 10,300 children* who are in “out-of-home-care” (foster care, permanent care, etc). Of these, around 2,000 are newborn to five years. There has been a sharp decline in foster carers in recent years and the system is struggling. It’s time for the Christian church to shine and meet the need. We have come to the Kingdom for such a time as this.

*Approximately 45,000 nationally.

“And he will turn the hearts of fathers to their children and the hearts of children to their fathers.”

We believe that fathers are crucial to filling this massive social and spiritual need. Most mothers have stood their ground and maintained their position in families and in society, keeping their hearts turned to the children. But it’s the fathers that are missing.

Foster care shortage in the news.


It’s no secret that the foster care community is getting older (the average age of a foster carer is 55 years) and sharply declining in number over the years. Follow the links below for news coverage on this looming crisis and great need. It’s an opportunity for the church to rise with the Father’s heart, and be the fulfillment to Psalm 68:6, “He sets the lonely in families.”

Foster care agency—help us out!

We are exploring the potential of establishing a foster care agency (including foster-to-adopt, permanent care, etc). If you think you can contribute to this initiative, we’d love to hear from you!

What if waves of thousands of Christian families stepped in to fill the gap of this crisis and fostered with the Spirit of Adoption revealed in the Gospel? It would mean the outworking of the will of God “on earth as it is in heaven.” And, what if you were one of these families that the Holy Spirit is calling and raising? We would love to hear from you at one of our online or on-site group conversations.


What if 5000 families in Victoria and 20,000+ families across Australia filled the social vacuum & adopted?

Adopting or fostering a child won’t change the world, but for that child the world will change.

For us, it began with a YES in prayer. We’d love for you to pray this with us:

Heavenly Father, today, I say YES. I say YES to opening up my life and my family and my home to the fatherless and the vulnerable. I say YES to meeting the needs of children and youth at-risk and in-crisis, with the same Spirit of Adoption that you adopted me with in Christ. Let my life be the family that you plant and establish the lonely in. Give me Your heart and the grace needed for this crucial task. I say YES to You today. In Jesus’ name, amen.

For Revival,
Paul & Jessica