Bella and the “Accidents”

Paul writes:

(I wrote the blog below in 2008 and would like to share it again here. I have not changed any of the wording because I feel it captures so much of my thinking, which has led Jessica and I to this proactive journey of foster care and adoption that we are on today. As you read this, I hope you hear not the tone of angry political conservatism, but the tone of compassion and a humble plea to Christ-followers to serve the “accidents”.)

22 July 2008

I thought it was quite profound that in the movie "Bella", the parable of two accidents was beautifully and carefully told. One was a tragic incident that cost the life of a little child, while the other involved the "accident" of pregnancy.

"Accidents", of course, have been around since ancient times. Perhaps one of the most profound accidents recorded in history is found in Genesis - the story of Hagar and Ishmael. You can read the story in Genesis 16 and 21.

Ishamel may have been Abraham's accident, but He wasn't an accident in God's eyes. In God's eyes, he was a mighty warrior and an influential nation.

Today, children conceived "accidentally" are everywhere. Unfortunately, the only solution presented to these "accidents" is abortion. We have 100,000 abortions every year in Australia. If this continues, a population the size of Tasmania will be aborted in the next five years. Something must shift!

Can we love the "accidents"? Can we embrace the Hagar's and the Ishmael's? Can we rise up in the power of the spirit of adoption and hold in our arms all who are involved in "accidents" - the women, the men, and, most of all, the children?

"LORD, I have heard of Your fame;
I stand in awe of your deeds, O LORD.
Renew them in our day,
In our time make them known;
In wrath remember mercy."
- Habakkuk 3:2

Post script:
Watch Bella with some friends, and then have a prayer meeting for the ending of abortion in Australia!

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The Crucial Role of Fathers in Foster Care