Jesus Revolution Now (or JREV) is a ministry that has impacted our lives profoundly since 2005. We met the founders of this Philippine-based ministry, Pastors Jerome and Annabelle Ocampo, when we Hannah was our baby and Jessica was pregnant with Elijah. Since then, we have leaned into the heart and anointing of the Ocampos, gleaning from their wisdom and the rich example of their lives. We consider Ps. Jerome and Annabelle to be our spiritual parents — our fruitfulness in ministry is their fruitfulness.
For more info about JREV and its impact in the Philippines and beyond, visit jesusrev.com.
I was invited to speak at Convergence 2024, the annual youth and young adults conference of JREV, on 1-2 November 2024. I shared 2 topics that I felt the Lord highlighted for the conference:
The Revival of the Bread, the Cup, and the Oil
Women, Shepherds, and the Harvest. To view a snippet of the message, click here.
The second message was specially close to my heart and it seemed to resonate profoundly with those in attendance. The heart of the message was that for the church to effectively reach the 3.2 billion unreached people with the Gospel, we must equip and empower women, releasing them into their irreplaceable role in the harvest fields. The message evoked a response with the women that was truly moving, confirming the words of Psalm 68:11 that has been stirring in my heart these last few years, “The Lord gave the command and great was the army of women that proclaimed the Good News!”
Since then, we have received testimonies of people reaching out to us on social media about the personal impact of our messages at Covnergence 2024. We are truly honoured to have been part of it! I am grateful for the leadership of Ps. Jerome, and I am also inspired to see his sons — Ps. Ziggie, Ps. Stephen Paul, and Ps. Jemuel — rise up and take the mantle of JREV to new heights and greater influence. It was also incredibly humbling to have shared the platform with powerful speakers like Ps. Paul Yadao, the Bishops who lead significant networks of churches in the Philippines and beyond, and the Pastors whom God has raised up to awaken a generation to the purposes of God with a spirit of Revival.